
My blog for WWCode

More on my journey as a Yoga teacher

Born and raised in India, I feel intrinsically connected to Indian culture. Pursuing a path of...

Embracing me

Several incidents from my childhood are in my head without a beginning or an end. I only remember...

Online presence: Creating my first website.

In our interconnected world, online presence is no longer a choice but a necessity. However, putting myself on the World Wide Web was daunting for someone like me, a private person by nature. The fear of vulnerability, the risk of being hacked, the constant need for...


When I first heard the term minimalism, it sounded like a performative lifestyle choice made by people who had loads of money and cared for the earth, too, so they made a massive compromise to own fewer things. Only the few things they owned were worth more than...

Discovering my Mantra

Growing up life was not easy, I was an anxious kid, I just didn't know I was anxious and mistook it for a bad personality. It felt like I was monitored, criticized, and disliked all the time. I lived outside my body watching over my shoulders and in the dark corners...